Saturday, May 15, 2010


Upon closing of an engagement, I have once again found myself sitting in front of my computer at home on an early Saturday morning. Family, professors and bosses often suggest that I should spend some time to contribute back to the community. So here I am, starting up a blog targetted for those who are interested in knowing how it is like to be a public accountant.

Having made transitions from a local CA firm to a regional/mid-size firm, and then to a multinational Big 4 firm, I believe that I have a lot of perspective to offer to those who are interested pursuing the profession.

My experiences are mainly in tax services (past) and assurance (current).

My future posts will cover different aspects of public accounting, including: education, job search, networking, career prospects, work-life, and compensation.

Feel free to leave comments and questions and I will try my best to address each and every one of them.

Stay in touch.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really helpful post and I have subscribed to the blog and hope to discuss more with you.
    I noticed you mention CA instead of CPA so I assume you are out of the US, correct?
    What are your thoughts on the CPA being offered internationally now?
